
No real education reform without school choice. Bigger budgets won’t do enough.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 5, 2023

Originally published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Flooding public schools with more money won’t deliver educational opportunity for every student. Equitable opportunity requires that every student has access to the educational…

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Read More: No real education reform without school choice. Bigger budgets won’t do enough.


A surefire way to destroy your political enemies

  • Jennifer Stefano
  • April 4, 2023

Originally published at The Philadelphia Inquirer Our modern political life has wrought many ills. The fastest spreading contagion is no longer viewing fellow Americans with ideologies different from our…

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Read More: A surefire way to destroy your political enemies


What is real freedom?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 2, 2023

Originally published at LNP Gov. Josh Shapiro likes to talk about “real freedom” — a familiar campaign promise repeated eight times in his inaugural speech and twice in his…

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Read More: What is real freedom?

Public Union Democracy

Gov. Shapiro should represent workers over powerful campaign donors

  • Andrew Holman
  • March 28, 2023

Originally published in The Mercury Gov. Josh Shapiro frequently touts his commitment to “real freedom.” But delivering that freedom to all Pennsylvanians depends on whether he chooses to side…

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Read More: Gov. Shapiro should represent workers over powerful campaign donors


Pennsylvanians in poverty need government to get out of the way

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 19, 2023

Originally published in The Patriot-News Who is in poverty—and why—is often mischaracterized by both the political right and left. Some blame the poor for lacking a work ethic.

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Read More: Pennsylvanians in poverty need government to get out of the way

State Budget

Governor Shapiro’s First Budget Falls Short

  • Andrew Holman, Nathan Benefield
  • March 19, 2023

Originally published at RealClearPennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro’s first state budget proposal perpetuates unsustainable spending and fails to address the most promising ideas he put forward during his campaign. For…

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Read More: Governor Shapiro’s First Budget Falls Short


Key Takeaways from Gov. Shapiro’s 2023 Budget Address

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 7, 2023

Profligacy Exacerbates Budget Deficit  Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposed budget calls for $45.9 billion in ongoing General Fund spending and $43 billion in net state revenues (after refunds). Thus, Pennsylvania has…


Read More: Key Takeaways from Gov. Shapiro’s 2023 Budget Address


PA Education-Funding Lawsuit Opens the Floodgates for Reform

  • David Osborne
  • March 6, 2023

Originally published at RealClearPennsylvania In February, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania issued a controversial decision that could end a long-running, high-profile lawsuit over the state’s funding of public schools. The…

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Read More: PA Education-Funding Lawsuit Opens the Floodgates for Reform


Reforms would reduce poverty, increase prosperity

  • Stephen Bloom
  • March 5, 2023

Originally published on LNP On Tuesday, Gov. Josh Shapiro will deliver his first annual state budget address to the Pennsylvania General Assembly. While he hasn’t unveiled the details of…

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Read More: Reforms would reduce poverty, increase prosperity


Where is all the education money going?

  • David P. Hardy
  • February 27, 2023

Originally published in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review State and national media are spotlighting Pennsylvania’s education funding system in the wake of a long-awaited Commonwealth Court decision. While the…

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Read More: Where is all the education money going?


Too much regulation raises energy prices too high

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 7, 2023

Originally published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette On average, electric bills for Pennsylvanians are up 73 percent since 2020. The increases range from 55% in east (for PECO customers) to…

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Read More: Too much regulation raises energy prices too high


No single person should have unchecked authority in Pennsylvania government

  • Kevin Kane
  • January 31, 2023

Originally published in The Bucks County Courier Times The Pennsylvania Senate recently passed Senate Bill 1, which moves three proposed constitutional amendments closer to the ballot. Before Pennsylvanians can vote…

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Read More: No single person should have unchecked authority in Pennsylvania government

Government Accountability

To help child abuse survivors, Speaker Rozzi must play politics well

  • Jennifer Stefano
  • January 30, 2023

Originally published at The Philadelphia Inquirer I’m done telling politicians, “Don’t play politics.” It clearly confuses them. Take Pennsylvania House Speaker Mark Rozzi. No, literally, please take him back…

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Read More: To help child abuse survivors, Speaker Rozzi must play politics well


Passing voter ID can help restore trust in elections

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 26, 2023

Originally published at City & State PA Our democratic system depends on trust – but Americans have become increasingly disillusioned by the political process. According to a poll conducted…

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Read More: Passing voter ID can help restore trust in elections