Taxes & Economy

Taxpayers to Subsidize Risks of Venture Capitalists

  • March 31, 2004

As the Republican-led Pennsylvania General Assembly considers a “compromise” version of Gov. Ed Rendell’s so-called “economic stimulus” package, The Commonwealth Foundation declared it to be another step backward for the…


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A Solution to the Gambling License Giveaway

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 22, 2004

It's déjà vu all over again. As Governor Rendell continues lobbying the General Assembly to expand gambling, very little attention is paid to the potential giveaway of valuable slot machine…


Read More: A Solution to the Gambling License Giveaway

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania’s Great Rail Disasters

  • February 24, 2004

Every Pennsylvanian agrees that traffic congestion and air pollution are hardly good or desirable things for our cities. But there is much less agreement on what strategies should be used…


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Racial Bias in Pennsylvania Special Education

  • February 17, 2004

If you are an African-American or Hispanic male in a predominantly White public school in Pennsylvania, there's a good chance you have been labeled as "Learning Disabled." That is the…


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Taxes & Economy

Bail on These Bonds

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 9, 2004

If Pennsylvania is the next state to tax, borrow or spend its way to prosperity, it will also be the first. The historical and economic reality is that government is…


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Health Care

Diagnosis Litigation

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 1, 2004

Despite a number of obstacles limiting access to affordable insurance, America’s healthcare system remains the envy of the world. But as the current medical malpractice insurance epidemic raging across the…


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Quantity Counts 2004

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • January 12, 2004

What do you do when you want more money and you already boast the 3rd highest per-pupil revenue in the nation and the highest teacher salaries in the country, when…


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Taxes & Economy

Hang Up on the Cell Phone Tax!

  • December 9, 2003

Pennsylvania policymakers frequently talk about building and nurturing a hightech economy in the Commonwealth—yet the latest effort to raise taxes on the wireless telephone industry reveals that many of them…


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Taxes & Economy

Restore the First Amendment at Shippensburg University

  • October 24, 2003

While the pursuit of diversity at our state and nation’s universities is frequently discussed by journalists and academics, its reach has not been all-encompassing. Indeed, diversity of opinion, and even…


Read More: Restore the First Amendment at Shippensburg University


Should Pennsylvania Consolidate Its School Districts?

  • September 23, 2003

Rep. Victor Lescovitz (D-Beaver) wants to consolidate Pennsylvania’s 501 school districts into 67 districts or fewer, in an effort to reduce costs. While a few states are going in the…


Read More: Should Pennsylvania Consolidate Its School Districts?

Taxes & Economy

Hunting for Taxpayers: Pennsylvania’s Big Game Sport

  • September 17, 2003

This fall, the newest Cabela’s outdoor superstore—described by a company marketing specialist as “a retail store wrapped up in a museum wrapped up in a restaurant”—opened in Berks County, Pennsylvania.


Read More: Hunting for Taxpayers: Pennsylvania’s Big Game Sport

Public Union Democracy

More “Takers” Than “Makers”

  • August 27, 2003

Another Labor Day is upon us, but the organized labor union movement in Pennsylvania has very little to celebrate this year. Union membership in the private sector continues its decades…


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Governor Rendells Rewarding Results & Accountability

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 28, 2003

Testimony of Matthew J. Brouillette, President, Commonwealth Foundation Thank you Chairman Stairs and members of the Committee for the invitation to testify this afternoon on Governor Rendell’s “Rewarding Results and…


Read More: Governor Rendells Rewarding Results & Accountability

Taxes & Economy

The New Pennsylvania Slogan: Pay Me Now and Pay Me Later

  • May 20, 2003

Remember the television commercials promoting an automotive oil filter that featured the statement “You can pay me now, or pay me later”? Well, when it comes to business taxes, Pennsylvania…


Read More: The New Pennsylvania Slogan: Pay Me Now and Pay Me Later


Governor Rendells Early Childhood Investment Fund

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 15, 2003

Testimony of Matthew J. Brouillette, President, Commonwealth Foundation Good afternoon, and thank you Chairman Stairs and members of the Committee for the opportunity to address the topic of early childhood…


Read More: Governor Rendells Early Childhood Investment Fund

Taxes & Economy

Governor Rendells Plan for a New Pennsylvania

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • May 8, 2003

Testimony of Matthew J. Brouillette, President, Commonwealth Foundation Thank you Rep. Argall and members of the House Appropriations Committee for the opportunity to speak to you this afternoon on…


Read More: Governor Rendells Plan for a New Pennsylvania


Earth Day Reality Check: Embrace the Truth Not Environmental Hysteria

  • April 21, 2003

Forty years ago, native Pennsylvanian Rachel Carson and author of Silent Spring wrote “We stand now where two roads diverge.” Carson’s statement accurately reflects the current state of Pennsylvania’s regulatory…


Read More: Earth Day Reality Check: Embrace the Truth Not Environmental Hysteria

Taxes & Economy

Governor Rendell Strikes Out With Economic Development Bonds

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • April 3, 2003

Governor Ed Rendell moonlights as a cable television sports commentator. So when Pennsylvanians recently saw headlines reading “Rendell Wants $2 Billion for Bonds,” many of them could be forgiven for…


Read More: Governor Rendell Strikes Out With Economic Development Bonds