
Cities start adding up retiree benefit costs

  • March 13, 2006

An article from the Pittsburgh Business Times on the coming government retiree benefits crisis. Governments at all levels are only beginning to understand how big of a financial crisis…


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When Social Security looks fiscally responsible

  • March 13, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Editorial on the coming pension crisis. What continues to amaze us is the feedback from un-informed and mis-informed union members who are saying that we (the Commonwealth…


Read More: When Social Security looks fiscally responsible


Repealed, but not removed

  • March 12, 2006

WGAL’s Ben Simoneau highlights how the “unvouchered expense” payments will impact taxpayers for years via pension increases for lawmakers. What Simoneau didn’t cover (not that I expected him…


Read More: Repealed, but not removed

Public Union Democracy

PA is the Teacher Strike leader of the USA

  • March 12, 2006

The Penn-Trafford Education Association is planning to strike this week. Some parents have had enough. See what Simon Campbell is doing about it at


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Public Union Democracy

Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

  • March 11, 2006

Unions seem to spend much of their time these days railing against companies that don’t pay high enough wages and don’t provide health benefits. They try to force these companies…


Read More: Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

State Budget

Easiest Way to Cut Pork

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2006

Five US Senators, in a letter to President Bush, ask him to cut down on earmarked spending (i.e. pork barrel projects) simply by not spending the money. They claim…


Read More: Easiest Way to Cut Pork

Taxes & Economy

Raising Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage Will Result in Job Loss

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2006

News release from Employment Policies Institute on PA minimum wage. Raising Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage Will Result in Job Loss for Low-SkilledEarned Income Tax Credit a Better Way…


Read More: Raising Pennsylvania’s Minimum Wage Will Result in Job Loss

Taxes & Economy

What do you do when the facts aren’t on your side?

  • March 8, 2006

Well, if you are Bill George, president of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, you hurl insults and yell them loudly. It works really well…so he thinks. This clip is from today’s…


Read More: What do you do when the facts aren’t on your side?

Government Accountability

Sound Policy IS Sound Politics!

  • March 7, 2006

We are encouraged by the very familiar-sounding policy stance of these candidates for office. Sound policy IS sound poilitics! ______________ Text of March 7 news release…. Coalition of GOP challengers…


Read More: Sound Policy IS Sound Politics!

State Budget

Say you want a revolution?

  • March 7, 2006

Editorial from the Chambersburg Public Opinion on how our Supreme Court judges are spending YOUR money.


Read More: Say you want a revolution?

Public Union Democracy

Gettin’ out while the gettin’s good

  • March 7, 2006

The Hempfield Area School District is expecting nearly 90 employees (mostly teachers) to retire this year, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. This is a district where the average salary…


Read More: Gettin’ out while the gettin’s good


Cyberschools have districts edgy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2006

Times-Tribune article on the growth of Pennsylvanias’ Cyberschools. The bottom line: students do better when parents are able to choose which school is best for them.


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Rendell’s pay not “real money”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2006

From CapitolWire: Rendell’s pay not “real money”…For those of you who haven’t heard just how much Gov. Ed Rendell travels in upper-bracket circles these days, he was…


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Taxes & Economy

Seductive snake oil

  • March 6, 2006

Interesting commentary that goes to show you that the battle for free-markets is happening all over the world…including Israel. And the opponents of freedom are the same… ______________Seductive…


Read More: Seductive snake oil


State employees’ pensions might carry big price tag

  • March 6, 2006

“Might”? Whoever wrote the headline for this Patriot-News story on the looming pension crisis should have read the story. Even the plan administrators at PSERS and SERS don’t see…


Read More: State employees’ pensions might carry big price tag

Taxes & Economy

State Revenue Boom Paves Way for Tax Cuts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 3, 2006

An analysis by the Cato Institute of tax revenue and rates for all 50 states ranks Pennsylvania as a “state in need of tax cuts.” This is based on…


Read More: State Revenue Boom Paves Way for Tax Cuts