Every family, business owner, and taxpayer in Pennsylvania should be able to increase their financial security without undue interference from our state government. Free-market policies that limit taxes, allow entrepreneurs to innovate and create jobs, and offer stability to families will put our state on track to become a national leader. Policies that enact spending limits, cut taxes, and reduce regulations will help Pennsylvania avoid debt and restore sound fiscal planning that will benefit citizens in the years to come.


Steering Online Gamblers Toward State Lotteries

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 14, 2006

Jacob Sullum of the Reason Foundation wonders why some members of Congress are pushing for tougher measures banning online gambling while supporting state lotteries and casinos. The answer is…


Read More: Steering Online Gamblers Toward State Lotteries

Taxes & Economy

Cost of Government Day

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 14, 2006

Americans for Tax Reform released their Cost of Government Day Report yesterday, which was coincidently the national Cost of Government Day. This represents the day in which American earned…


Read More: Cost of Government Day

Taxes & Economy

Minimum Rationality for Minimum Wage

  • July 14, 2006

In an election year, legislators do irrational things, such as spend more money than the budget supports, fund pork projects for their districts, and raise the minimum wage.


Read More: Minimum Rationality for Minimum Wage

Taxes & Economy

Stocking up on tax dollars

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 13, 2006

Meadville Tribune editorial on how the state is spending the “windfall” surplus instead of returning it to taxpayers.


Read More: Stocking up on tax dollars

Government Accountability

Mere Coincidence

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 12, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on the six-figure government job awarded to Joseph Hoeffel – who earlier this year dropped out of the Lt. Gov. race after a meeting with Governor…


Read More: Mere Coincidence

State Budget

Whiskey and Car Keys

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 11, 2006

Author P.J. O’Rourke once wrote: “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” He must have been thinking about Gov. Rendell and…


Read More: Whiskey and Car Keys


Looks like business as usual – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

  • July 9, 2006

Dimitri Vassilaros writes in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about the effort to defund one of PA’s corporate welfare programs” No doubt many businesses are successful because their close relationships with…


Read More: Looks like business as usual – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Taxes & Economy

Minimum wage increase might hurt teens

  • July 9, 2006

“Might”? Hmmm… When the cost of something goes up, don’t we buy less? Oh, our politicians in Harrisburg are passing a law to nullify the laws of economics. Good luck…


Read More: Minimum wage increase might hurt teens


Stop the charade

  • July 9, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on Sen. Jane Orie’s effort to cut some corporate welfare in PA.


Read More: Stop the charade


Senate acts to cut back a few perks

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 7, 2006

As reported in the Patriot News, the state Senate plans to force Senators to contribute to their health care plans (possibly 1% of salary) and reduce the money available…


Read More: Senate acts to cut back a few perks

State Budget

Governor Rendell’s Sense of Irony

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 6, 2006

On the anniversary of the 2005 pay raise, Governor Rendell will be handing out pork in the Capitol … non-metaphorical pork in this case. From News Release: HARRISBURG…


Read More: Governor Rendell’s Sense of Irony


Want to braid hair? Talk to Big Brother.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 6, 2006

Despite not having time to address lobbyist reform during the past few weeks, the General Assembly was able to pass a myriad of minor bills, including one (SB 707)…


Read More: Want to braid hair? Talk to Big Brother.

Taxes & Economy

Wal-Mart Tax Fizzle

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 6, 2006

Wall Street Journal article on how the “Wal-Mart tax” push is failing in almost every state. Read our analysis of why the Wal-Mart tax is bad for Pennsylvania…


Read More: Wal-Mart Tax Fizzle

State Budget

Budget Coverage

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 3, 2006

Some press coverage of the late night/early morning state budget deal: Herald Standard (Commonwealth Foundation quoted)Pittsburgh TribPost Gazette (Commonwealth Foundation quoted)Philadelphia Inquirer (Commonwealth…


Read More: Budget Coverage

Taxes & Economy

Bill to raise minimum wage gets House’s OK

  • July 1, 2006

Economics is once again trumped by political rhetoric in Harrisburg. Who can be against boosting the pay of someone on the lowest rung of the wage ladder? Unfortunately, by raising…


Read More: Bill to raise minimum wage gets House’s OK

State Budget

Rendell: Budget Could Be Worse

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 30, 2006

Governor Rendell names states who will be increasing their budgets faster than PA. Ironically, his list is identical to our list of “States we least want to emulate.” From…


Read More: Rendell: Budget Could Be Worse

Health Care

$1 Trillion Shock Awaits States, Local Governments

  • June 30, 2006

Joe Mysak asks on Bloomberg.com: “How much is it going to cost states and localities to pay for public employees’ health care and insurance after they retire? “Try between…


Read More: $1 Trillion Shock Awaits States, Local Governments

State Budget

Budget expected to win support

  • June 30, 2006

Budget story in the Patriot-News… “Democrats are having a field day watching the Republicans help negotiate a budget that spends more than the 4 percent increase Rendell proposed in…


Read More: Budget expected to win support


The Merits of a Judicial Pay Raise in Pennsylvania

  • June 30, 2006

On July 7, 2005, a political firestorm was ignited in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the form of a controversial pay raise for legislators, members of the executive branch, and…

Fact Sheet

Read More: The Merits of a Judicial Pay Raise in Pennsylvania