We’re Thankful For…

This Thanksgiving we have so much to be thankful for. We are grateful to call Pennsylvania home, grateful for our growing team, and incredibly grateful for our investors and supporters. Thank you! Here's a sampling of what else our team is feeling especially thankful for:


I am thankful to finally become an American citizen, and to fight for the freedoms that make this country great.

Abhi Samuel


I’m incredibly grateful for so many things! One of them is family, especially my child. And another is working under our par-none leadership team who lead with our values. I’m also grateful to work with our ever-so-growing team!

Savanna Faith Cornibe

What I am thankful for:

Great books, being with the people I love, cold weather, having a house with a fireplace, the smell of new babies and being an American.

Jennifer Stefano

My growing family! And my current status as favorite aunt.

Jessica Barnett

It is difficult to articulate all of the things I’m grateful for this time of year. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my faith and health recently—and I’m certainly blessed to have both. I’m also thankful for the amazing people that shape my life at home and work. This is especially true of my parents—they gave me roots, wings, and my best friends. Did I mention I’m from Delco? How could I not be grateful for life in the finest county our Commonwealth has to offer?

Kevin Kane


This year, I’m thankful for time spent with family. My sister is getting married in three weeks, and I am grateful that I can celebrate with her and my (soon to be) new brother-in-law.

Emily Jae


I’m thankful for…

1. My wife and children;
2. God’s green earth;
3. The Commonwealth Foundation as a hedge against tyranny.

Marc LeBlond


I'm so thankful to be a mom, I love it.

Dawn Toguchi



I'm thankful we live in a freer, safer, and more prosperous time than our world has ever seen before.

Nate Benefield

I’m thankful for the health, happiness and spirituality of my daughter and I’m thankful that she grew up in a country that stands for freedom, liberty and free-market principles – where anyone can succeed if you work hard enough.

I am also thankful for all of the men and women who fought and died for the rights that we cherish.

Liz Vincent


I’m thankful for a new place with tons of space for my 2-year old to run around in.

Andrew Cuff


I’m thankful that both my personal and work family are growing! A new baby and six new co-workers, that’s a good year.

Elizabeth Stelle


After a recent tour of the 9/11 Memorial in New York City, I’m thankful that notwithstanding all our imperfections, the United States of America still stands as the last, best hope for freedom.

Charles Mitchell