Fact Sheet

Pension Reform Toolkit
Commonwealth Foundation Resources and Analysis
- News Release: Senate Tackles Growing Crisis, Advances Responsible Pension Reform
- Infographic: Triple Threat Pension Debt
- PolicyReport: Stopping the Sinkhole: Lessons for Pension Reform in Pennsylvania
- Repeating Detroit’s Error in Pennsylvania
- PolicyPoints: Public Pensions: Past, Present, and Future
- PolicyPoints: Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis: Myths and Facts
- Infographic: Unsinkable: The True Story of Pennsylvania’s Sinking Pension System
Principles for Public Pension Reform
- Public retirement plans should provide a competitive retirement that is affordable for taxpayers.
- Retirement costs should be predictable for state and local governments.
- Retirement contributions should be paid while workers are currently working, not pushed off onto future generations.
Pension Reform Legislative Resources
- Senate Bill 1: Senate Pension Reform Plan
- Senate Bill 401: Moving State Legislators’ to a Defined Contribution Program
- House Bill 727: House Pension Reform Plan
- House Bill 900: Repayment of Pension Debt