Disunion: The Government Union Report Episode Archive

Check out the latest Disunion: The Government Union Report episode here.

Episode 5: Get ready for a riveting episode of Disunion: The Government Union Report! Host David Osborne is joined by The Daily Signal Investigative Columnist and WIBC radio host Tony Kennett for an eye-opening discussion on the powerful influence of teacher unions. Dive deep into how these unions are shaping state primaries by targeting Republican candidates and wielding their financial muscle to sway education policy.

David and Tony don’t hold back as they uncover the contradictions and limitations within teacher unions, from their controversial role in public education funding to the growing perception that they may not truly represent the voices of teachers.

The conversation takes a dynamic turn as they explore the heated political landscape surrounding school choice, unpacking the alliances and conflicts that define this critical issue. Tune in for an episode packed with insights, controversies, and a fresh perspective on the future of education in America.

Episode 4: In this episode, host David R. Osborne and Vice President and Legal Director of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation Bill Messenger delve into the complexities of public sector unionization.

The conversation heats up as they debate the challenges posed by compulsory union dues, exclusive representation, and the processes of union certification and decertification. They examine the decline in union membership, the principle of voluntary free choice, and the constitutional questions surrounding compulsory unionism clauses.

It’s an informative and exciting episode, so tune in and stay informed!

Episode 3: Join host David Osborne and guest Christian Barnard (Assistant Director of Education Reform at Reason Foundation) as they delve into the intricate dynamics behind the stagnant teacher salaries despite soaring investments in education. In this thought-provoking podcast, they dissect the complexities of benefit costs, labor policies, and union subsidies that divert crucial funds away from instructional salaries.

Through insightful discussions, they shed light on how addressing these systemic issues could pave the way for a much-needed reevaluation of teacher compensation. Later in the episode, the focus shifts to the challenges faced by teacher unions in advocating for fair wages, exploring topics such as incentives, compensation structures, and the fiscal impact of pension obligations. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the forces shaping teacher salaries and the path towards meaningful change in education.

Episode 2: In this episode of Disunion: The Government Union Report, host David Osborne interviews a physical education teacher John Grande.

Mr. Grande has been a teacher for 36 years. After expressing frustration with mandatory diversity training, he was disciplined by his employer. He has now filed a lawsuit arguing his First Amendment rights were violated when he faced disciplinary action for answering a question during the training.

In this episode, we touch on the issues of union leadership, political activism, teachers’ rights, and contract negotiations. So tune in, get informed, and let us know what you think!

Episode 1 Premier: How did teachers’ unions morph from representing teachers’ needs to some of the largest special interest and politically active organizations in our country?

In the series premier of Disunion: The Government Union Report, join host David Osborne and guest Professor Michael Hartney as they dive into an enlightening discussion on the frameworks in place that subsidize the power and influence of teachers’ unions – enabling them to become dominant forces in educational policy and politics.

Intro: Join host and Commonwealth Foundation Senior Fellow for Labor Policy David R. Osborne as we dive into discussions of the positive public policies that would clear up what has become the murky world of government unions.