Op-Ed: Michigan’s governor should follow Pennsylvania’s on school choice expansions
Originally published in The Hill
Anthony Samuels beat the odds. In his own words, “I’m probably the only male in my family that doesn’t have a record.” Not only does Samuels not have a criminal record, but he’s also a college graduate and a successful business owner.
Samuels is undeniably talented and resourceful, but too often in North Philadelphia that’s not enough. He attributes his success to the quality education he received at Abington Friends School on a tax credit scholarship. But his story could have been very different. Samuels was zoned to attend Strawberry Mansion High School, a school so bad that ABC News’s Diane Sawyer ran two specials on it. Thanks to Pennsylvania’s scholarship program, Samuels broke the cycles of crime and poverty.
Read the whole article in The Hill