Note from the Team Jan-Feb 17
Our website has a brand new look, and Commonwealth Sense now has a digital home! The new features a user-friendly interface and modern design. And now you can view and share all the great content you’re reading in Commonwealth Sense.
Many of you have asked us for links to share Commonwealth Sense articles, or to sign up a friend for a free subscription—now, it’s all available at your fingertips.
Also, we are thrilled to announce that Abhi Samuel has rejoined our team. Abhi is based out of our King of Prussia office. You can welcome Abhi back by sending him an email here.
In late 2016, Gov. Tom Wolf declared he would not propose an income tax or a sales tax increase as part of his 2017-18 budget! While this doesn’t take other tax hikes off the table, sales and income taxes have been the 800-pound gorilla and the elephant in the room in the last two budget proposals. Taking them off the table before Wolf releases his 2017-18 budget proposal was a victory for Pennsylvanians who are already overburdened with taxes.