Has Wolf Dropped His Unpopular Tax Demands?
Throughout this state budget debate, Gov. Wolf has touted his natural gas severance tax to fund education. And some reporters refer to the severance tax as the “cornerstone” or “centerpiece” of his plan.
Except it isn’t. The severance tax makes up a slim portion of Gov. Wolf’s proposed tax increases. In fact, his plan to tax health care and day care would raise more revenue than slapping an additional tax on the natural gas industry.
He never talks about his sales tax proposals—probably because they are so unpopular. His entire tax plan couldn’t garner one single vote in the House. It failed 0-193. Yet, he hasn’t said whether he is still demanding a $4.6 billion tax increase.
Even if Gov. Wolf has dropped the majority of his massive tax hikes, that’s no reason to accept a new severance tax. As Dawn pointed out yesterday, the severance tax is bad for all energy consumers, no matter your income level.