Audio: PFT Fails Students, Teachers & the Poor
Matt Brouillette and other members of Commonwealth Foundation were on the ground at the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) protest yesterday, handing out fliers and letting teachers know how PFT leaders are failing them, students, and Philadelphia’s poor.
WPHT’s Dom Giordano interviewed Matt Friday morning to find out why he waded into the midst of a union protest to advocate for the teachers, students, and the poor left behind by Philadelphia Federations of Teachers’ policies.
Matt, a former high school teacher, said:
The Philadelphia Federations of Teachers is failing the kids, the teachers, and the poor in the city and it is their policies that block millions of dollars from going into the classroom . . . [PFT leaders] are harming the very teachers they are there to protect and they are preventing the kinds of reforms that are needed that I believe will make it better for the good teachers in the district.
In response to figures like former Gov. Rendell, Philadelphia’s Mayor Nutter, and others coming out against PFT’s actions, Matt said, “What you are seeing is a union that is out of touch with the public… even with those who are on their traditional side.”
Listen here or below for more of the interview:
The Dom Giordano Show airs daily on WPHT in Philadelphia.
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