Paycheck Protection Supporters Rally at the Capitol
Yesterday, hundreds of concerned citizens packed the Capitol rotunda to voice their support for paycheck protection legislation. Watch TV reports from ABC27 and CBS21 to see the impressive turnout and enthusiasm at the rally.
The rally is part of PA Independent calls a “Full-Court press for paycheck protection coming to the Capitol”—which includes a hearing on House Bill 1507 today.
Click the videos below to see what a few paycheck protection supporters had to say after the rally.
Linda Hanson, a retired school teacher from Glen Rock, PA, says government unions like the PSEA should collect their own political money:
Rich Orpneck, a school board member from Oxford, PA, is concerned that union dues are used to promote political candidates:
Donna Hendrie says that too much of her paycheck funds causes she doesn’t agree with:
Couldn’t make it to the rally yesterday? You can still have your say by participating in our telephone townhall with former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint tonight at 7:10!