AG Zaps Zinfandel Czar’s Zero
How bad is it for the beleaguered booze bosses these days? So bad Pa. Auditor General Jack Wagner was forced to foil the fermented farce of the great wine kiosk catastrophe.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer today, Wagner pegs the Pinot purveyor’s poor planning and pitiful practices cost taxpayers more than $1.1 million (and counting considering pending litigation).
“We think the wine kiosk program has failed, and it needs dramatic, radical changes if the program is going to continue to exist,” said Wagner at a press conference in Harrisburg today.
Here’s a suggestion for dramatic and radical change: Embrace American ideals, remove the failure of government-sold wine and liquor entirely and replace it with freedom through free markets so your citizens can choose booze instead of lose.
But until that day of Liquor Liberty, stay thirsty my comrades.