What the PHEAA is Going On?
The Patriot News reports that former Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) boss Michael Hershock got $200,000 in a settlement over his 2009 firing.
To recap, he was fired for misusing PHEAA (i.e., taxpayer) money for personal expenses (emphasis added):
Among them were a $1,032 bill at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York City, where Hershock met with a potential donor, and the cost of installation of a satellite service at Hershock’s home in New Mexico.
I’m pretty sure that is not an appropriate use of taxpayer money.
When he was fired, Hershock was given a severance package of almost $375,000.
He also collects an monthly pension of $18,514 (that’s $222,000 per year).
Anyone who might be confused why he merits another $200,000 from taxpayers might want to join us in the call to privatize PHEAA.