Freedom Has Its Day

Over 300 of our friends and supporters joined us Saturday in Annville for CF‘s LiveFreePA, an afternoon of family-friendly fun celebrating liberty and the American spirit. There were activities ranging from pumpkin carving to trap shooting, with great classic rock provided by Jump the Gun—and the weather couldn’t have been better! Be sure to check out the photos from the day posted below this message, and relive the fun all over again! For many more photos, click here.

For those of you who couldn’t make it, if I had to sum up the dominant theme flowing throughout the day, I’d have to say it was “freedom,” both economic and personal. As more and more of our individual liberties are eroded—and as we are being taxed more and more to pay for the privilege—it’s a good feeling to know that throughout the Commonwealth, and across the country, there are still Americans who realize that reining in government is the only way we will claw our way out of the hole in which we find ourselves.

One week from tomorrow, Pennsylvania and the rest of the nation have the opportunity to send a message to Washington, demanding that our leaders stop blindly throwing away our money, or they will pay at the polls for their profligacy. But there’s more, and we all should take heed. November 2nd is not the end of this battle, and any candidate swept into office by promising to cut spending and lower taxes can be swept out just as easily if those promises aren’t honored. Americans no longer can afford to be placated by candidates who say one thing to get elected, then change their tunes once the ballots are counted. With your help, we will hold them to their promises. Talk with your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, using information gleaned from CF policy analyses and commentaries. Make sure they know the truth, before it has been sanitized for our consumption.

Big changes are coming to our capital and our country. But we know from experience that “change” simply for the sake of change is not enough. Exchanging one set of tax-and-spenders for a new set of tax-and-spenders isn’t going to get us anywhere we want to go. We promise to stay on top of the goings-on here in Harrisburg. CF is committed to staying vigilant—and we ask that you do the same!



Classic rock band Jump the Gun was a hitas was lead singer Jim’s shirt, which pictured Thomas Jefferson as “change we can believe in.” This young lady enjoyed both the face painting in the Kids Zone and the pony rides.

LiveFreePA picture

LiveFreePA picture

Everyone stood for a moment of silence for our troops, led by Fox News contributor and retired Army officer Scott Rutter. At the end, as part of a Call to Action led by WHP 580’s RJ Harris, DanaRae Brouillette thanked everyone for supporting CF.