George Soros vs. Natural Gas

George Soros

Is anyone surprised that George Soros is against the tapping of shale gas because of “dangerous hydrofracking”? One of America’s real hopes for economic recovery is on the line, so it is only fitting that the billionaire behind left-wing attacks on the free market opposes drilling.

American Thinker reports that Soros has attempted to combine the forces of his and the Working Families Party, based in New York, to oppose natural gas drilling. Soros’s stake in the alternative energy campaign is just one part of his plan to inhibit the burgeoning domestic natural gas industry. It is foremost a thinly veiled attempt to save his own investments in Brazilian Petrobras and Australian InterOil.

Interestingly, Soros is also benefiting from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Petrobras will be raking in profits as Gulf states languish under a drilling moratorium.