Scrutinize the Health Care Bill
We’ve gotten a few calls over the last few days asking where to get and read the 1,200 page health care bill being debated in Congress. Here are some resources:
- American for Prosperity has some facts about the health care proposals in Congress, a breakdown of the House bill, and a call for volunteers to help read, examine, and comment on the bills.
- Kingdom Studies links to the full text and makes some comments on specific provisions in the House bill, citing the page numbers.
- Open Congress has the bill text and features to comment on the legislation.
Despite what Pete DeCoursey’s latest Capitolwire column (subscription) may indicate, citizens are far better versed in the details of these proposals than are members of Congress. For instance, Arlen Specter seems unaware that proposals include an individual mandate to buy insurance, when posed that question at one of his town hall.