More Taxpayer Money Wasted on Promotions and Marketing
Surely, given the budget shortfall and hiring freeze, they hired the best person they could find for the lowest cost, through competitive bidding. The Governor wouldn’t just hire someone with numerous political ties from doing “public-relations and political-campaign work for high-profile public officials including Rendell, former Mayor John F. Street, and former State Sen. Vincent J. Fumo.” Oh, right.
On a related note, John Micek notes that House Democrats are producing – at taxpayer expense – clips for the radio meant to sound like authentic news stories. This comes from the tens of millions of dollars the General Assembly has for self-promotion (including things like “public service announcements”, glossy newsletter, calendar give-aways, and the like). Sen. Mike Folmer has legislation that would require all such advertising to state “paid for at taxpayer expense.”