Responses to Bonusgate
Following the bonusgate presentments (indictments), several lawmakers and newspapers are beginning to call for action to clean up state government.
- Sen Piccola will call for a special session on reform, the Patriot News reports (something we called for in January, but Governor Rendell said that would be a waste of time. Of course a special session might require lawmakers to return to Harrisburg before the end of their two-month summer vacation, or even stick around in October instead of campaigning).
- Sen. Eichelberger asks “where’s my bonus ban” (A: it is stuck in the House State Government Committee, along with virtually every other legislative effort to clean up state government).
- The Post-Gazette calls for the ouster of the House Democratic leaders, starting with Representative DeWeese (noting he called the bonuses “an internal matter” that the Attorney General need not investigate).
- The Philadelphia Inquirer calls for the legislature to start cleaning up its act – without Rep. DeWeese at the helm.
- More news and roundups from Tony Phyrillas and GrassrootsPA.
Next Saturday’s episode of TheBOX with feature a discussion on reform in the wake of bonusgate.