Equity and Health Care
They’re uncharacteristically missing a chance to effectively raise taxes on “the rich.” Curbing these subsidies could generate billions for their elaborate “universal” health programs. More to the point, this is a simple matter of equity, usually Democratic terrain. If the government is going to support health insurance, then those subsidies ought to apply regardless of a person’s income,
where they work, or how they purchase their insurance.So why the Democratic silence? Perhaps it’s because they think such a change would interfere with their main policy goal, which is slow but steady progress toward government control of the health-care market. Or possibly it’s because many of the most generous tax-subsidized health plans come from union-negotiated contracts. Or maybe Democrats simply don’t want to concede that President Bush has a point.
Investor’s Business Daily also addresses the divergence in health care proposals between greater government control and free market solutions:
Its key idea is to give every individual a real choice of insurers and plan types, with incentives for buying frugally and choosing the one that delivers the best coverage and care for the money.