Poll: I-80 toll less popular than leasing the Pa. Turnpike

The Quinnipiac (I spelled it right on the first try) poll reveals that tolling I-80 is less popular than a Turnpike lease read the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review story or click here for poll results. This is in spite of a PR campaign by Sen. Scarnati and radio and newspaper ads bought (with toll money) by the Turnpike Commission.

Note: While both Republican and Democrats favor a Turnpike Lease over I-80 tolls, the question regarding the Turnpike lease itself indicates Republicans oppose it, but Democrats support it. This seems odd, given the usual free-market/free-trade stances by the two parties.

Here is the question:

Governor Rendell has proposed leasing the Pennsylvania turnpike to a private company, but keeping state control over toll increases and maintenance schedules. The money would be used to pay for highway and bridge construction. Do you support or oppose this proposal?

My take is that leading with “Governor Rendell has proposed” skewed the question. I wonder how the results would differ it it read “The Commonwealth Foundation has proposed…” (And for those who forgot, we proposed it long before the Governor got on board).