New Pa. House members get free cars
Nearly half of the new state legislators are taking taxpayer-funded cars, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports (see list of lawmakers, vehicles, and price tag here).
The quandry some have pointed out is that the vehicle lease is cheaper than the mileage reimbursement they would get if they drove their own car to Harrisburg for session days.There are some ways lawmakers could save taxpayers money, however:
1) Refuse the mileage reimbusement.
2) Lease slighly older, smaller, less expensive vehicles.
3) Car Pool.
4) Reduce the rates of reimbursement and the max car leases – travel benefits should be designed to offset expenses of lawmakers, not as extra compensation.
5) Stop spreading out the session days over the full year; meet more days during fewer weeks – this results in fewer trips to Harrisburg.