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Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the Commonwealth
Key Findings Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are state tax credit programs that give thousands of low- to middle- income students access to…
Read More: Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the CommonwealthEnergy
Restarting Three Mile Island: Quick Facts
Read More: Restarting Three Mile Island: Quick FactsEducation
Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the Commonwealth
Read More: Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the CommonwealthTaxes & Economy
Growth and Pennsylvanias Environment: The Facts
Fact Sheet
Read More: Growth and Pennsylvanias Environment: The FactsTaxes & Economy
Pennsylvanias Death Tax: The State As The Grim Reaper
Taxation is regarded as a necessary evil in today’s society. Nobody parts happily with the considerable portion of their paycheck withheld for income and other taxes. Yet as much as…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Pennsylvanias Death Tax: The State As The Grim ReaperTaxes & Economy
Growing Pennsylvania’s Economy: Tax Cuts vs. Economic Development Programs
INTRODUCTION As the competition between states for economic growth intensifies, an increasing amount of attention is being evoted to what state governments can—or should—do to help create and attract jobs…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Growing Pennsylvania’s Economy: Tax Cuts vs. Economic Development Programs