Downsides of the Minimum Wage

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 11, 2021

Thank you Chairman Roae, Chairman Galloway, and members of the House Commerce Committee for inviting the Commonwealth Foundation to testify on this persistent issue. I am Elizabeth Stelle, the Director…


Read More: Downsides of the Minimum Wage

State Budget

Gov. Wolf’s Budget Plan & Working Families

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 23, 2021

Chairman Causer and members of the House Majority Policy Committee, thank you for inviting the Commonwealth Foundation to testify on the impact of Governor Wolf’s budget proposal. My name is…


Read More: Gov. Wolf’s Budget Plan & Working Families

Government Accountability

CF Amicus Brief Calls out Wolf for Overstepping his Authority

  • June 25, 2020

Commonwealth Foundation filed an amicus curiae brief in the case of Wolf v. Scarnati et. al.—arguing that the Governor must follow the legislature’s concurrent resolution to end the declaration of…


Read More: CF Amicus Brief Calls out Wolf for Overstepping his Authority

Taxes & Economy

How to Increase Economic Growth

  • Andrew Abramczyk
  • October 3, 2019

The following testimony was given at the Pennsylvania Fiscal and Economic Summit at York College on August 22.       Good afternoon.  Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you…


Read More: How to Increase Economic Growth

State Budget

How to Improve State Budgeting Practices

  • Andrew Abramczyk
  • October 1, 2019

The following testimony was given at the Pennsylvania Fiscal and Economic Summit at York College on August 22, 2019. Thank you for the opportunity to address you this morning on…


Read More: How to Improve State Budgeting Practices

State Budget

Cost of Proposed Tax Hikes: 3,600 Jobs Lost

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 2, 2017

The tax hikes included in the revenue plan passed by the Senate (26-24) and supported by Gov. Wolf amount to nearly $600 million in total new taxes for next…


Read More: Cost of Proposed Tax Hikes: 3,600 Jobs Lost


Natural Gas Severance Tax

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 1, 2015

Pennsylvania Senate Environmental Resources Energy Committee And Finance Committee Good afternoon. I want to thank Chairmen Yaw and Yudichak and Chairmen Eichelberger and Blake, along with the…


Read More: Natural Gas Severance Tax


School Funding Reform & Weighted Student Funding

  • James Paul, Nathan Benefield
  • December 4, 2014

Thank you for the opportunity to offer testimony to this commission on the important topic of reforming how we distribute state funding for education. Our written testimony will focus on…


Read More: School Funding Reform & Weighted Student Funding