‘Shocked and Appalled’ by PLCB

You’ve heard of shock and awe?  Well here is ‘shock and appalled,’ brought to you by the duplicitous, doublespeaking Deacons of Distilleries who are at it again, this time dumping dislocation disclosure on deliriously dumfounded denizens. Shock and awe

According to a story by the Wayne Independent, the PLCB plot to pull the plug on a Main Street, Honesdale store in favor of an out-of -town location 60 percent more expensive to lease wasn’t even discussed with local government officials or business leaders.

“Folks, I was shocked and appalled,” said local business owner Paul Meagher, Sr. at a special borough council meeting.  “Folks, this should not happen.”

Meagher tracked the problem all the way to recently investigated PLCB CEO Joe Conti, who dismissed his dismay because the decision was made at a public hearing.  Trouble is that hearing was done in Harrisburg, unbeknownst to any of the local leaders, taxpayers or consumers.

“In my opinion, the Liquor Control Board is bad for the state of Pennsylvania, it’s bad for Main Street, Pennsylvania and Main Street, USA.  They should not be allowed to make these unilateral decisions without discussing it with our local government.”

So much for the PLCB’s oft-stated mission to, “bring exactly what customers are saying they want – convenience.”  They don’t call it control for nothing.  So until that great day of Liquor Liberty dawns, stay thirsty my comrades. 
