Pennsylvania Budget and Tax Updates
Here are some brief highlights on the Pennsylvania budget:
- Brian O’Neill editorializes angrily on “America’s Largest Full-Time State Legislature” failing to do their job, again, and includes phone numbers.
- The Morning Call includes an online (unscientific) poll on whether tax increases are needed to pass the budget. 85% says, “No, they are not.”
- Gov. Rendell’s chief of staff, Steve Crawford, says that lots of Republicans will vote for an income tax hike. Given the recent record of the administration on truth-telling and evidence to the contrary (not to mention grumblings among Democrats), I’d have to say … “Oh my Goodness, his pants are on fire! They literally just burst into flame!!”
- I’ll be talking budget and taxes on WITF Radio SmartTalk, you can tune in in the Harrisburg area on 89.5 or 93.3 FM, or online here.