More Subsidies for Higher Education

Governor Rendell is proposing an increase of $128 million in tuition aide for students at PASSHE schools. There’s no question that skyrocketing tuition is hitting families hard, but throwing more money at the problem is like taking a Tylenol for a burst appendix. Not to mention the Governor hasn’t said how the state will fund the increase in a year when the budget deficit is well over $2 billion.

If state officials are so worried about educating Pennsylvanians why not give students financial aide without dictating what schools they must attend? Why reward universities with more money when they continue to raise tuition?

For the past 30 years, government has been telling us that more subsidies will make education more accessible and affordable; instead, tuition has continually outpaced inflation. The higher education system is in serious trouble and the sooner we hold universities and students (via grades and years of schooling) accountable for the taxpayer funds they receive, the sooner we can stop tution hikes.

For more on higher education funding click here.