Beyond the Bailout

The National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) have a new website:  The site is dedicated to exposing the government’s role in creating the financial “crisis”, as well as promoting solutions that go beyond the financial bailout (and should have been done instead of the bailout).

BeyondBailouts on What do We Do Now:

As markets and businesses take corrective action themselves for the excesses of the past few years, there are things that Congress can do to address some of the root causes:

  • Privatize Fannie and Freddie
  • Prosecute Corrupt Officials
  • Suspend Destructive Accounting Rules
  • Repeal the Community Reinvestment Act
  • Clean Up the Tax Code

Instead of shoveling more taxpayer money into the bailout hole, Congress should change the government policies that helped create this mess in the first place. That means privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, reforming destructive accounting rules, and getting rid of lending laws that force banks to make bad loans.

The site features an email sign-up, a petition to Congress, videos, and a blog. One of the best posts for today is Deregulation Didn’t Do It, via the Heritage Foundation.