Turnpike lease would be model for investing in infrastructure
It’s not that the public-private partnership concept being pushed by Rendell is unique. Twenty- five states have either sold or leased highway and transit infra structure to private enti ties, including eight in the past three years, as an alternative funding mechanism in the face of tight budgets. Other parts of the world, particularly Europe, have long used these partnerships. Rendell’s proposal has generated intense interest because it would be the largest deal of its kind ever in the United States.
The P-N editorial board remains “neutral” on the proposal. However, the Scranton Times Tribune is not, arguing that “By the Numbers … For drivers, the turnpike lease is a better deal.”
In related news, the Conservative Reform Blog has picked up on a Toll Rolls News report that federal government is preparing to deny the Turnpike Commission authority to toll I-80.