How Bad is the Farm Bill
In light of today’s front page commentary on the federal Farm Bill Fiasco, here are some more links describing how awful this legislation is.
- Citizen’s Against Government Waste discusses the earmarks included in the bill, and offers a full list of official earmarks.
- Cato-at-Liberty notes some last minute earmarks added to the bill.
- Club for Growth on the potential cost of the bill (exceeding $300 billion over five years)
- Coyote Blog focuses on a program that will offer federally funded tax-credit bonds – for exactly one company, the Plum Creek Timber Company, the single largest private landowner in the United States
- FreedomWorks provides a map of where agriculture subsidies go – in lower Manhattan.
- NTU on the use of the farm bill in the Presidential Campaign
- And an IBD Editorial focuses on how the farm bill will not reduce food prices, and how most of the agricultural subsidies go to millionaires.