Jesus: Roman Empire Should Provide Universal Health Care
Rendell criticized politicians who talk about “morals” and “family values,” yet refuse to support his plan for covering the uninsured.
If they care about what’s right morally, Rendell shouted, they should heed the Bible’s advice to “heal the sick” or stop claiming to support such values.
New taxes to provide government-run health care does not equate to “healing the sick”. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “The size of the state budget is not an appropriate measure of social conscience or charitable concern.”
If Governor Rendell wants to be truly charitable why won’t he support ending laws that prevent people from buying lower-cost insurance from other states.
What about repealing mandates which drive up the cost of insurance and makes it too expensive for many familes?
Is it charitable to tax individuals for the cost of their health insurance? If, as we think it is not, then the Governor should support equalizing the tax code for those who buy insurance.
Instead, the Governor proposes a 3% payroll tax on businesses that “don’t provide health insurance” (yet to be defined) to employees. As anyone can tell you, a payroll tax is essentially the same as a wage tax (or a pay cut) – meaning that employees who don’t get insurance from their employer will get a 3% salary cut. Is this charitable?
How about creating a tax credit for charitable contributions to HSAs for low income families?
As Governor Rendell’s plan essentially expands Medicaid, shouldn’t we be talking about the negative effects of Medicaid, include the low quality care provided to Medicaid recipients.
What about considering the long waiting lists for medical care in countries with socialized medicine. Is moving us toward that model to be considered charitable?
Governor Rendell obviously confuses health “insurance” with health care, and confuses government spending with altruism.
Here are some other policy changes to free the market to reduce the uninsured and to help reduce the cost for those already insured. Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad would support that, wouldn’t they? Of course the insurance companies and the unions backing Rendell’s plan might not.