Exception turns into rule for property tax increases
So much for protecting property taxpayers. The Patriot-News looks at the numbe of districts applying for exemptions to Act 1. Turns out 210 of the 501 school districts have applied for exemptions – which include items such as employee pensions and healthcare, debt payments, special education – which would allow them to increase taxes above an index without voter referendum.
A total of 233 school districts pledged not to increase tax rates above the index, though that index will still allow them to increase taxes by 3.4 to 5.5% (without voter referendum).
That leaves an estimated 58 districts that will actually hold a referendum on tax increases this year.
Can’t say we didn’t tell you so:
“Back-End” Referendum No Taxpayer Protection
School Property Taxes: No Relief, No Control
Property Tax ‘Relief’ that Isn’t Relief
Referendum Amendment Fails to Protect Taxpayers
Also read our Taxpayers’ Guide to the Rendell Property Tax Relief Act of 2006