Oh, SNAP! Welfare Cheats Sentenced

Weeks ago we published our take on welfare cheats and made the case for reinstating the asset test in order to rid the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) rolls of those gaming the system.  While ardent defenders of Rendell’s “close your eyes and authorize / no-questions-asked” administrative policy took umbrage to our call, the present administration was hard at work by simply enforcing the law.

SNAPSo it should be of no surprise that, according to the Pennsylvania Office of Inspector General, nine more welfare thieves were sentenced in February for robbing taxpayers, including five scamming the SNAP program.

Like this beautiful March day:  Refreshing!  Not only do we give big ups to the OIG, but to the Corbett Administration for enforcing laws in order to make sure our tax dollars reach only the truly needy.  Now about those liquor stores, Governor…